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How to tell if your E30 has a VDO or Motometer gauge cluster

This is by far our most asked question. So how do you know what unit is in your E30? Well, here are a couple of ways you can tell.


The first way: Stamping on the face of gauge cluster

Your E30 3 series or M3 will have the either "VDO" or "Motometer" stamped in the gauge cluster between the RPM and speedometer. This is not always correct. We can say it is about 70% of the time. Some VDO units ended up coming with Motometer gears and vice versa. This can only give you an idea.

e30 motometer example cluster garagistic how to tell difference
e30 vdo example odometer speedometer cluster garagistic


The second way: taking the cluster out

This is the most accurate way. It is best to take your steering wheel off using a 7/8in or 21mm socket. Be sure to be careful with the cluster's "V" shaped tabs when removing as they are easy to break!

e30 cluster removal how to tutorial tab broken garagistic

Once you've removed your cluster, you will notice stickers on the back of the cluster either saying "Motometer" or "VDO".

e30 motometer example odometer speedometer cluster garagistic
e30 vdo example odometer speedometer cluster garagistic


As you open up the cluster, you can make absolutely sure by looking at the actual gears or the circuit board . Pictures below:

e30 motometer example odometer speedometer cluster garagistic
e30 vdo example odometer speedometer cluster garagistic

Selecting the correct odometer gears for your car

Be sure to pick out the correct odometer gear set for your vehicle. Odometer gear teeth counts differ based on Euro KM and US MPH clusters. 

Check below to see which matches your vehicle!

BMW VDO E30 Odometer Gear Repair Set - US MPH

BMW VDO E30 Odometer Gear Repair Set - EURO KM

BMW Motometer E30 Odometer Gear Repair Set - US MPH

BMW Motometer E30 Odometer Gear Repair Set - EURO KM Version A

BMW Motometer E30 Odometer Gear Repair Set - EURO KM Version B

Installed Photos

E30 VDO US MPH - (missing plastic cover in photo)

E30 Motometer US MPH
