E46 Solid Steering Flex Coupler Install
Step 1: Secure the steering shaft on a vise and cut the factory rivets using a cutting tool.
Step 2: Use a center punch or hammer round chisel to push out the rivets from the steering shaft.
Step 3: Use a size X .397 drill bit to make the holes slightly bigger for the new M10 bolts to fit through.
Step 4: Before installing the new M10 bolts, you will notice that the bolt and washer will not sit flat due to the slighter taper on the steering knuckle. You will want to grind it down slightly for the bolt to sit flat.
Step 5: Install all four bolts on the coupler so the head of the bolt is flush with the coupler itself. All bolts will face up.
Step 6: Slide the bolts to one half on the steering shaft and finger tighten the nuts with all four bolts still on the coupler then install the other half and finger tighten the nuts.
Step 7: Tighten the nuts down in a cross pattern and torque to 20ft-lbs