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DAY 8 – 10 DAY BUILD – E21 S54

Dan The man |

It's clear that this will not be a 10 day build. More like 13-15 days. But I've done my best and Garagistic has been an excellent proponent. Today, I got the Differential reluctor ring installed. It involved contracting the carrier by freezing it overnight....img_5199

Putting the reluctor ring in the oven at 500 degrees F for 1hr....img_5200

Then immediately, after install it. Within 10 seconds, it will have contracted enough to stay on. Then after 1hr, almost impossible to remove without a press. Very easy way to install!


Got some front subframe work done today. It's not pretty, but it works, and now the S54 sits on its own weight in the car. Nice an aligned!!img_5203 img_5204 img_5205

For the driver side mount, using the E36 Arms, I found out that I was only able to utilize 2 of the bolts. So I had Garagistic cut me a custom piece that adapted 2 other holes, thereby allowing me the use of at least 3 holes in the assembly. img_5208

Had to shave off the Aluminum arm to make room for the 11ga bracket. img_5209

I might end up utilizing an additional hole. Not sure yet. img_5211

Shortened the shifter mechanism. Just need to weld it up!img_5213

After final alignment of the drivetrain, I couldn't push the engine back any further. Disappointing because now the driveshaft is just too short to feel comfortable. Therefore, I'm having the rear half lengthened and re balanced professionally.

Stay tuned for tomorrow - no welding work, but alot of ancillary tasks like intake, brakes,

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