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stop shameful shifting - e36 and e46 rear carrier bushing

Dan The man |

So the rear carrier piece is a mod that we've seen become more popular in the e36 and e 46, and here's why we think that makes sense.  (This part is available at the garagistic online store here.)

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="363"]e46 Rear Poly Carrier Shifter Bushing e36 Rear Poly Carrier Shifter Bushing e31 Rear Poly Carrier Shifter Bushing e90 Rear Poly Carrier Shifter Bushing e92 Rear Poly Carrier Shifter Bushing e36 and e46 rear carrier bushing[/caption]

Rear Poly Carrier Shifter Bushing for e46 and e36

Let's for a moment talk about we like e36 and e46 in the first place. It feels good to drive them. The feel solid and comfortable, the ride is predictable when driving at the limit. You can manage driving fast pleasurably. There's a classic Motor Week video from 1998 where Richard Hammond explains why the E46 is the perfect car. But it get even nittier and grittier.

The tiny qualitative details for for a car this old just make the car feel good. And why do we all like manuals? Because it feels good to shift. Unless of course you have old ratty rear carrier piece holding your shifter.

It is shameful, that's right shameful, to have a piece of engineering that feels as sappy as a mechanical watch be ruined by a sloppy rough shifter.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="585"]e46 Rear Poly Carrier Shifter Bushing e36 Rear Poly Carrier Shifter Bushing e31 Rear Poly Carrier Shifter Bushing e90 Rear Poly Carrier Shifter Bushing e92 Rear Poly Carrier Shifter Bushing E36 and E46 Rear Poly Carrier Shifter Bushing placement.[/caption]

Enter garagistic. And we're here for you e46 and e36 guys with our rear carrier pieces and carrier shiftier bushings. Made of 80a poly, lubricated to make the action smooth - giving that satisfying feel to all our e46 and e36 enthusiasts.

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