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Day 9 – 10 Day Build – E21 S54

Dan The man |

Day 9, A good amount of progress today. I sorted out many of the nuisance things that were bothering me. I accomplished alot on my plate. I now know where I stand with brakes. And there is a lot of work to do there.

You can see below that after fitting the intake manifoldimg_5221

Need a new upper radiator hose. Based on the position of the radiator and the low position of the engine, I need a custom hose. Easy.


Pressed Garagistic's 95A differential Mount in the rear carrier!


Pressed in some new flange bushings as well.


Relocated the battery in the rear. And no, I didn't just throw it back there. There's a battery hold-down mechanism there that will hold it in nice and tight. You can see the ground lug to the right there. This will help offset the front-heavy weight distribution.


Got my Walbro 255lph pump in. No issues getting it to fit. Re-used some of the stock hardware, but other than that, it's tight in there with no interference. Just need to add an in-line filter somewhere. !


No intereferences anymore (about 1/2" of clearance) between the overflow tank and the alternator Pulley. It's important that I make sure the radiator is married to the body with minimal movement so that this does not move anywhere.


So 9 days down, and an estimated 4 days to go. I've put in a total of 50hours into this build since September 10th. I estimate I have another 30 to finalize it.

So tomorrow I'll need to weld the shifters, engine ground, and a big one......Rear Subframe Bushings. They should be completed tomorrow at which point I can re-focus on the rear end and getting the subframe, trailing arms, and suspension installed.
Almost there - Getting very tired.


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